Embrace your duality

We humans are fascinatingly complex. We often ignore the fact that our brains have both emotional and logical sides, each trying to help us in its own way. Recognizing and accepting this duality can be a game-changer for achieving peace and calm in our lives.
Imagine this: Your ego wants to prove a point to those who have hurt you. It drives your actions, pushing you to show your worth. Instead of fighting this ego, what if you accepted it? Understand that your ego is trying to protect your potential. By embracing it, you can use its energy positively without labeling yourself as egotistical.
On the flip side, your logical brain might criticize you for being too ego-driven. Instead of feeling bad, appreciate this logical side for keeping you grounded and balanced.
By acknowledging and accepting both your emotional and logical sides, you can find a harmonious balance. This practice can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life, no matter how challenging things get. So, give it a try—explore, practice, and meditate on this idea. You might be surprised at the peace it brings.
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Comments ( 2 )
Parnal Sattikar
6 months ago
Ketan, you have nicely composed these thoughts. Definitely these inputs will help!!
Ketan Ghatode
6 months ago
I am glad :) Trying to practice them myself.
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