Sayali Kasar

a month ago


When we think of inheritance, usually what comes to our mind is wealth, property, or family heirlooms passed down from one generation to the next. But if I have to pose you a question: What is the inheritance you have received that is not tangible, can’t be sold, bought and profited from. There are so many of them good and bad, that we receive from our parents. And some are most definitely much more precious that all the gold and shares that would eventually be bequeathed to us.

I feel reading has been a precious family heirloom that has been passed on to me through generations. My mother who gets her habit from her father, is a voracious reader and I have seen and still see my house filled with books and at least 2 books with bookmarks that are being currently read. My father narrates of times when he used to astonish his librarian by picking up a book in the morning and returning it by night to get his next one.

Something that could be looked at as one of the many many sources of entertainment available now, has a very special spotlight in the act of my life. If I think about it, it has actually kept me afloat at certain times, given me company, perspective, provided an escape, helped me feel I am not alone and has been my sacred safe space at times. I was just browsing through my ‘Read’ section of Goodreads the other day and could actually remember the mood, situation, and feelings I had when i was reading that particular book, sometimes even the place where I read the most part of it. 

I remember having a Nancy Drew inside my textbooks in school and reading it whilst deriving the thrill of doing something forbidden, visiting and getting the membership to my first library in 6th grade and being absolutely enthralled and captivated by the potential worlds I now had the access to. I remember reading all night and my mother getting angry and switching off the lights at 2am - only to device a master plan to read inside the sheets with a torch (Ah! the days before Kindle) During grad school , which I now remember as a very simple time spent in my hometown in the security of my parents and with school friends, I remember reading books and talking about them in labs after the practical is over. After reading the biography of Benjamin Franklin, and knowing how he started a free library where people could join my donating just 5 books - my friend and I started this in school and went upto around 9-10 members! 

Then when i moved out of Nasik and came to Mumbai, I remember hating this city (that now I am in love with) Everything was new, I didn’t know anyone and felt I couldn’t match up to the sophistication and style of Mumbaikars and the other outgoing super-confident classmates. The days were long and homesickness hit me like a storm. My favorite place that time became the Flora fountain book stalls and not Marine drive. Books were cheap and were taken back after reading at half their price! I used to get lost in books in between classes and that made it easy to not have to talk to anyone. It has always been difficult for me to make new friends and reading has helped me be okay with being a bit socially challenged.

Through happiness and sadness, love and heartbreak, getting new jobs and work stress, during work travel and vacations, mundanity and adventure, to something as recent as motherhood and balancing it all - book of a genre that feels comforting at that point in time - has been my constant companion. I hope I pass this inheritance on to my daughter. What is heartening is her excitement when she sees books - ‘booosh’. Can’t wait to discuss and debate books with her, attend reading sessions and book clubs and go book store hopping with her!

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Comments ( 14 )

Satyajeet Jadhav

a month ago

Such a beautiful post! I was hoping you’d write about your love for reading. Loved that you took us through your reading journey starting from your childhood. Thanks for writing this.

Sayali Kasar

25 days ago

Thanks Satya! The platform is so great and makes it very easy to write. Looking forward to write more here :)

sanika joshi

a month ago

Lovely post Sayali! I have always admired you for your reading habit. Was lovely to read your journey of books. 😀

Sayali Kasar

25 days ago

Thank You Sanika !

Rahul Sinha

a month ago

Beautifully articulated. Looking forward to your next blogpost here.

Sayali Kasar

25 days ago


Apurva Khode

a month ago

Beautifully written Sayali 😊. Your passion for books is truly inspiring!

Sayali Kasar

25 days ago

Thanks Apurva!

Ketan Ghatode

a month ago

Loved the post! It's incredible how you kept the love for books going even after becoming a mother! Awaiting more such posts :)

Sayali Kasar

25 days ago

Thanks Ketan!!

manan dedhia

a month ago

Absolutely lovely post. I share your observations too - coming from a small town (Kolhapur) and having to create this alternate reality in your head using books. And then books being the lifeline in the strangeness of a large city like Pune. So relatable - keep writing.

Sayali Kasar

25 days ago

Yeaa!! Books really carry us through so many phases of life! Its incredible

Saurabh Hirani

a month ago

What a lovely trip down the memory lane! Flora fountain was the place to be. Sunday afternoons spent browsing books, stuffing them in a backpack, walking through the 5 pm evening sunlight at the maidan, having a nice burger at Sundance and topping it all off with a long train ride while pecking at each book bought. Keep up the great work. You have a knack for teasing out memories of your readers.

Sayali Kasar

25 days ago

Thanks for the generous comment Saurabh! Yea, even walking through those lanes in Fort now remind me of those times :)

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