Adithya Venkatesan

2 months ago

What I learnt about SaaS from coconuts

Got a bad fever after having way too much tender coconut water.

So, very much extremely, sensefully, and tastefully, here are 5 key takeaways to improve your GTM goals if you're a SaaS org.

1. A SaaS fact a day will keep the naysayers at bay - Wolf Von Schmack.
Spit out a revenue number, a customer number above a certain ARR and you will take the mantle of the smartest person in the room.

2. SaaS bhi kabhi bahu thi.
So, take advice from family members while building core developer tools. Every engineer has a family, and even if they don't like him/her inclusion of their whims is critical to building holistic products that change the world.

3.⁠ ⁠Acronyms save jobs, gets you promoted.
The more acronyms you come up with, higher the chances of folks not understanding what you're saying, but will follow you nonetheless because of HiPPO mentality.

4.⁠ ⁠Never answer a question from an employee directly.
Proverbs and anecdotes are better supplements because Paul Graham and Naval Ravikant quotes are not debatable. They built companies, who are you

Internal storytelling FTW. Babbler hypothesis FTW.

5.⁠ ⁠Hire smart people, but give power to agencies to control them.
Like coconuts, the external shell matters. External agency folks will also 'like' your social posts, improving reach & goodwill.

If you like this, follow, share, like, comment, and fuck coconuts. Kbye!

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Satyajeet Jadhav
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Comments ( 1 )

Satyajeet Jadhav

2 months ago

Haha… 🤣 hilarious.

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