Things I wish we were taught in school
I wish we were taught how to cook for 1 and 2 and 4 and more. I wish we were taught how to perfectly peel and cut all the fruits and serve them to our loved ones. I wish we were taught how to brew various teas and which one brings comfort in what situation. I wish we were taught how to do taxes and how much to save and invest along with all the trigonometry.
I wish we were taught how to dream in bright colors and remember the dream when we wake up.I wish we were taught what dress would suit us exactly for the day to come.
I wish we were taught how to make friends, especially to the ones who are a little slow at that.
I wish we were taught that there is nothing called authentic cuisine. Every dish is authentic to the person who makes it and comforts them. I wish we were taught how to drape the perfect sarees and turbans.
I wish we were taught what exactly to say to a grief-stricken friend, to just reduce the pain by a bit. I wish we were taught how to love and love so that it doesn't hurt. I wish we were taught how to always write handwritten letters and know when to post and not post them. I wish we were taught poetry as seriously as we were taught Chemistry.
I wish we were taught how to quickly fall asleep when there is a whirlwind of emotions in our minds. I wish we were taught to speak to ourselves as kindly as we speak to our best friends.
I wish we were taught how to know the person behind the mask they don. I wish we were taught how to forgive without an apology.
I wish we were taught when exactly to let go.
I wish we were taught how to ‘life’, between our birth and death.
Art: "The Letter" By Federico Zandomeneghi
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Comments ( 6 )
sanika joshi
5 months ago
Wow! What a lovely post! I got goosebumps reading it. Looking forward to many more posts from you.
Satyajeet Jadhav
5 months ago
Stunning! At a loss of words. I will keep coming back to this.
manan dedhia
5 months ago
beautifully said. Loved it.
Ketan Ghatode
5 months ago
" I wish we were taught to speak to ourselves as kindly as we speak to our best friends." Wow!
jaee jadhav
5 months ago
Saurabh Hirani
2 months ago
"I wish we were taught when exactly to let go." Lovely post. Knowing that it is ok to be is something that is never taught. I wish it was. But it is only learnt. The best we can hope is that we learn it sooner than later.
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