Yogesh Pali

4 days ago

Easy is not Lazy

"Easy is not Lazy" provide a framework for achieving tasks efficiently without equating ease with laziness. Here are the key points:

  1. Ask How to Do It Easier: Always seek ways to simplify tasks.

  2. Define What Done Looks Like: Clearly outline the end goal.

  3. Create a 'Done for the Day' List: Set daily achievable goals.

  4. Keep a Steady Pace Toward Results: Maintain consistent progress.

  5. Do Not Overextend: Avoid doing more than you can recover from by the next day.

  6. Simplify: Start simplifying tasks from scratch.

  7. Return to Original Intent: When confused, revisit the initial purpose to simplify.

  8. Create Systems/Techniques: Develop methods that simplify tasks repeatedly, such as checklists or automation for enhanced results.

  9. Practice Thankfulness and Gratitude: This fosters positive momentum.

  10. Focus on What You Have: Concentrating on your current assets helps you gain what you lack, whereas focusing on what you lack can lead to losing what you have.

These principles emphasize efficiency, clarity, and gratitude, promoting a balanced approach to productivity.

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