manan dedhia

a month ago


Listening to this TED talk triggered a thought macro. 

I was lucky to have loving doting parents. And as I near the age of 40, I catch myself thinking more and more about the texture of their lives. 

Specifically, my dad. 

I kinda understand the context that made me - but what made him into the person that he is?

In some ways its an easy question to approach, but difficult to really answer. 

Going over this repeatedly, I would have to say he was born of a very specific context.

Equal parts apathy and kindness. 

Equal parts inner grit and support. 

Unequal parts violence and love. Very unequal. 

He made the best of what he had and still does. Far from perfect and being content.

While I reserve my judgement of him in view of the still unfolding evidence, I will unreservedly love him. 

Ending on this TED talk, which speaks to the bottom line. 


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