Why doesn’t people talk to each other more
Yesterday had a long talk with the husband on what his current projects are. A bunch of information was shared which made me excited about the IT future in general. The work maybe boring and daunting but the future prospects gives hope. Maybe I was always drawn to new tech. But does this kind of exchange work in non professional circles too? This is not to brag what YOU do in your work or what your are good at, but instead spreading knowledge about type of work you do.
Say I find an inspiring person on Twitter. Would that person have enough patience to answer my questions on what he does and how he does that, just to appease my curiosity especially when I don’t work in his office and he may not get anything out of it by sharing his knowledge? I doubt so. Or is it that he wants to keep it all secretive in the fear that others would do better? Or is it that he assumes others will not understand it? I believe knowledge can be shared to anyone, even the big jargons. Ever heard about ELI5 concept?
One answer I got from the husband for the same question is, that they are not excited about the work. It needs time and patience to explain even if you don’t know the other’s intention or care about it. Why not switch to some interesting topic rather than same old things I get mad at work? Have heard that lot in lunches and dinners.
This also reminds of another tweet I saw recently.

It was about women wanting or expecting others to do it without her asking. If she has to ask she may as well do it herself. I did argue that it could be just us Librans or instead of asking, it could be the need of being understood which suits all women. Thinking aloud, is it what men and women both do? Expect others to understand without explaining or asking. As per my therapist this is like sign language to people who don’t know it.
They say “I have work. Don’t disturb me.”, instead they could say, “I have such and such boring review work”, “I am struggling to get the logic of this part of the program”. Gives the context for other people to realise what kind of work you do and what serious trouble are you in. If professionally, either they can empathise or can help you out in connecting some others. Personally it will help the spouse understand what kind of emotional support you are expecting.
What was the point in me saying all this? I sometimes crave deep conversations and not small talk like what’s the weather in Bangalore Delhi and all. What better way to satisfy that craving by being deeply curious about what other people do? Are you curious enough?
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